Gender Equity’s Role in Artistic Productivity and Success - Ida Anglund
All of us have likely noticed the disparity in leadership jobs in the Arts held by men vs. women. On May 28, I attended a Zoom presentation on this subject by the League of American Orchestras, a not-for-profit organization offering programs to advance American orchestras. This country has hundreds of orchestras but according to the New York Times: “ In the U.S., women helm roughly four percent of the two dozen big-budget orchestras .” Why is it that in 2020, fifty-plus percent of the population is still so poorly represented? While the League of American Orchestras’ presentation centered upon musicians and music leaders, these issues affect all of our artistic efforts as Pen Women. Here are some reasons I believe more music and interdisciplinary presentations on this subject could help to build awareness and improve our odds. Recognition and support through fair compensation, grants, awards and positions of influence “at the table,” enc...